Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ramesly Lane (Pentecostal Clothing Line)

 This past week, I've gotten the idea of a modest and cheap clothing line. The name could be Ramesly Lane. I get these ideas all of the time, but I never go forward with them. Something tells me that Ramesly Lane could take off easily.
The whole message of RL is custom, just like RL. We'll carry sizes Newborn--7X, shoes: newborn--12, men, women, children, any material, any color, any size.
I need some ideas, tips, and potential customers.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Honduras Missionary

I was searching for a site, and I found this:
 A mission trip to Honduras. I want to go, but it's $1,000 and in only a month. If you have any ideas, lemme know :D

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"No Expensive Clothing"? Silent befor the storm...

 Last night, in my preacher's sermon, he spoke about Salvation. He read a little on text that Saved people are not supposed to wear clothing that's costly. Is that in a spirtiual form? Maybe it means clothing willing to cost us our Holy Ghost?
 Last night I dremt of:
 "When you aren't living for God, everything is calm and silent. But as soon as you give your life to God, all that can happen, happens. All that can go wrong, goes. It's like 'quiet' and then someone just bangs on the drums with a tabarine!"
 Good point ....Right?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I'm FINALLY back

Hi, everyone, I'm finally back. I've been sick, busy, and actually, been going through some hard times.
 My friend has been dissed the same way I was, but she wouldn't take my heed befor. Her barely ex-hus-BAD (not legally divorced yet) is posting pics of him and another girl, and life's been hectic for me lately.
 I've been fighting with a rooster, fixing 4wheelers/ATVs, shopping for my mom a car, going back and forth for my dad's appointments 2 hours away and I feel guilty for not posting sooner.
 Please forgive me. I promise I'll start posting again.